Here we have a birds eye view tracking shot following the protagonist's car as it snakes along an isolated winding road surrounded by dense forest, emphasising the isolation of the location he is driving to. This camera use also gives the impression of the character being tracked, followed almost stalked which adds to the sense of unease the viewer feels.
The dense forest and deep shadows supported by a haunting sound track with no diegetic sound all presage the horror which will ensue.
[ PS I know this is from a horror film but the points made still apply!]
Each of your frames should discuss
technical effects: use of camera, sound, editing, mise en scene -
stating what is used i.e. denotation and then commenting on what effect
is being achieved by the different techniques i.e. connotation.
Choose 9 frames which have different information in them to give
an overall assessment of (a) what aspects / conventions of film noir can be seen in the stills you have chosen and (b) how
the genre is conveyed explicitly and implicitly.
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