Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Your blogs

Your blogs are without exception pretty dreadful!
You were given a list of posts and tasks which needed to be done over the summer. Few of you managed even a portion of this.
You are also without exception not good at analysing films.
The post below this one gives details on what I want and how to do it.
Here is a list of the posts which should have been on your blogs by the end of September:

  1.      Foley sound description / what it is / why it is used...
  2.      Foley sounds filmed or narrate
  3.      Recreation of a scene from a film - plus explanation
  4.      Introduction to Film Noir – History / FN as a genre
  5.      Conventions of FN
  6.      Analysis of 2 FN films - with screen grabs or clips
 Since the first three should have been completed by July leaving only 4,5 and 6, this should not have been too strenuous a task.I assume you would like to continue with this subject. If this is the case you have one week [in fact by Monday evening] in which to get your blogs up to date.

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

How to analyse film stills

A scene from The Shining
Here we have a birds eye view tracking shot following the protagonist's car as it snakes along an isolated winding road surrounded by dense forest, emphasising the isolation of the location he is driving to. This camera use also gives the impression of the character being tracked, followed almost stalked which adds to the sense of unease the viewer feels.
The dense forest and deep shadows supported by a haunting sound track with no diegetic sound all presage the horror which will ensue.
[ PS I know this is from a horror film but the points made still apply!]

Each of your frames should discuss technical effects: use of camera, sound, editing, mise en scene - stating what is used i.e. denotation and then commenting on what effect is being achieved by the different techniques i.e. connotation.

Choose 9 frames which have different information in them to give an overall assessment of (a) what aspects / conventions of film noir can be seen in the stills you have chosen and (b) how the genre  is conveyed explicitly and implicitly.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Some effective presentation packages

Creative ways to present your work

One of the requirements of the specification is to present your work using digital technology and demonstrate technical skill.

Below are links and suggestions of ways you can present your research, planning and evaluations in a creative, useful way.

If you find other sites/apps, share with the class. Be creative.

  • Explain everything - an iPad app that allows you to record and screen capture your work. Good for analysing film posters and magazines for your ancillary.

  •  Padlet - - Sign up for a free account. Integrate videos, images and short text. 

  • Prezi - app and at - zooming, moveable presentations. A flashy Powerpoint. Embed it into your blog. DON'T just add a load of writing. Record a voiceover, integrate video and image.

  • - - Interactive brainstorms to embed onto your blog. Clear, well-presented planning.

  • Pinterest - app and - Set up a free account to create pinboards. Great for collecting ideas, demonstrating research or technology used (for evaluation question 4). 

  • PicCollage - iPad app (free) - Create colourful mood boards and design mock magazine adverts.

  • Animoto - App (Android and Apple) and - Create short (30 sec) videos - good to demonstrate location shots, costumes, target audience profile.

  • Blendspace - Present ideas, work, videos in a clear sequence. Great for presenting the 4 evaluation question or sound research.

  •  Garageband - iPad app and on the Macs - Create your own music for your films, record sound effects, create podcasts for analysis.
  • Exam Time -  Create time lines, interactive brainstorms and revision notes.

Your full Film Noir Blog

Update on your Film Noir coursework preparation

Once we have watched some films, and looked at genre, narrative, character theory, audience and representation, you will work on:

  1. The premise of your film - Title
  2. the story outline
  3. actors / props / costumes / locations
  4. storyboard which needs to culminate in an animatic [see sheet given out]
  5. then you need a script [see example sheet given out]
  6. and finally you need a shooting schedule. [see sheet given out.]
In addition you should be thinking about:
  1. your potential audience - this needs to be accompanied by audience research, facts and figures.
  2. your production company logo
  3. which production house/s you might partner with e.g. Twisted Pictures, and why
  4. how / where you are going to distribute your film
  5. how / where you are going to advertise your film.
Once you have filmed you are then in the post-production process - more on that to come.

In the meantime there are various posts which should be going on your blogs:
  1. Analysis of 4 films
  2. Research into Film Noir
  3. Is Film Noir a genre
  4. Aspects of film noir ie codes and conventions
And to follow:
  1. Ongoing discussion of the Premise and the story
  2. your actors / characters - choices made
  3. costumes / props / locations - ideally with lots of preparation and behind the scenes photos.
Bear in mind too that there are two other tasks to complete - more on these in the new year -
the film poster and the magazine film review

FINALLY - put everything on your blog that you make decisions on and once you start filming you need to be evaluating the process as you go. Commenting on what worked and what didn't and why and what you'd do to change it.